Environmental technology

Environmental technology comprises methods for the restoration of already damaged environmental systems. This also includes measures of soil remediation such as environmental remediation or landfill remediation.

Soil remediation


As defined by the German Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG), old waste deposits and old industrial sites through which harmful soil changes or other hazards can be cause are referred to as contaminated sites. The cause of this can be the improper treatment, storage or deposition of wastes and improper handling of environmentally hazardous substances.

Contaminated areas ae sustainable remediated in the course of the remediation of contaminated sites. For instance, this can take place by means of groundwater circulations models through wells.


Reference: Hungary, Debrecen

Project: Environmental technology/remediation of contaminated sites

Scope of delivery/objective: the permanent reduction of harmful substances in the soil. A 1,000 mm well down to 41.00 metres was made during this project. A STÜWA wrapped wire filter, length 39.20 metres (3 splices), DN 400 with four 115 mm tracer pipes was installed. A packer sits in the well pipe and separates the four filter areas, which are pumped via the tracer pipes. This groundwater circulation model serves for treatment of the subsoi.